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Solutions de réalisation de profil thermique Datapaq®

Confirmez régulièrement l’uniformité de votre processus et le contrôle des températures

Enregistreur de données Datapaq TP6

Boucliers thermiques

Logiciel Insight™

Obtenez grâce à l’enregistreur de données Datapaq TP6 les données thermiques dont vous avez besoin, chaque fois qu’il le faut. Conçus pour résister aux températures de contrôle les plus exigeantes pendant les durées les plus longues, et répondant à la norme de protection IP67 pour sa résistance à l’eau.

Optimums pour une gamme étendue de processus de traitement thermique, y compris la trempe, nos boucliers thermiques sont conçus pour offrir une protection thermique maximale tout en restant fiables et faciles à utiliser.

Optimisez votre travail en transformant les données brutes en informations pertinentes permettant de prendre des décisions efficaces. Avec trois versions logicielles possibles, en fonction des besoins des utilisateurs. Parmi les options figurent des profils thermiques avancés et des rapports conformes pour l’AMS2750 et la CQi-9.

Sealed quenchable thermal barrier from our SQ00 range, thermocouples and our intuitive Insight™ software to create a complete solution. It is designed specifically for the aluminum solution heat treatment process
Repeatedly confirm your product and process temperatures are uniform and under control
features the TP6 data logger.
If our current offerings of specialty systems do not meet your requirements, the engineering team at Fluke Process Instruments will design a custom thermal profiling solution – complete with data logger, custom thermal barriers and our Insight™ Software. These bespoke systems enable through-process temperature profiles to be obtained in processes where trailing long thermocouples are not an option. Each thermal barrier is designed in close collaboration with the end-user, providing the optimum solution for every application.
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Datapaq DP6 Data Logger

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  • Get answers to any questions you have
  • Get a 1-on-1 consultation or demo, scheduled at a time that works for you, whether you need support in-person or virtually

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Complete the form below to have a product expert reach out to you

  • Get a phone call and/or email from your Regional Sales Manager
  • Get answers to any questions you have
  • Get a 1-on-1 consultation or demo, scheduled at a time that works for you, whether you need support in-person or virtually

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Qui sommes nous?

La société Fluke Process Instruments est partout, où vous avez besoin de nous : aux USA, en Grande-Bretagne, en Allemagne, en Chine, au Japon, à Singapour et en Inde. Dans plus de 100 pays, nous disposons d’un réseau de représentant formés et de centres de service. Fluke Process Instruments offre une gamme étendue d’outils de mesures thermiques industriels et de solutions logicielles personnalisées pour améliorer votre processus spécifique.

Que nous vous assistions par des solutions d’application innovantes, l’installation et l’assistance technique ou la maintenance, notre mission est d’assurer que tout ce qui est lié à votre processus soit à la température dont vous avez besoin. Vous trouverez de plus amples informations dans notre brochure de groupe.

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Who we are

Fluke Process Instruments is everywhere you need us with offices in the U.S., U.K., Germany, China, Japan, Singapore, and India– as well as a network of trained representatives and service centers in more than 100 countries–Fluke Process Instruments offers a robust portfolio of industrial temperature measurement tools and customized software solutions to improve your unique process. 

Whether we’re supporting you through innovative application solutions, installation and technical support, or ongoing maintenance, our mission is to ensure that everything regarding your process is the precise temperature you want it to be. 

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Repeatedly confirm your product and process temperatures are uniform and under control



Secure the temperature data you need, every time, with our range of Datapaq TP6 and DP5 Data Loggers, which are designed to withstand the longest, most-demanding operating conditions.

Thermal Barrier

Sealed quenchable thermal barrier from our SQ00 range, thermocouples and our intuitive Insight™ software to create a complete solution. It is designed specifically for the aluminum solution heat treatment process

Ideal for a range of heat treat processes, our thermal barriers have been designed to provide maximum thermal protection while remaining durable and easy to use.

Insight™ Software

If our current offerings of specialty systems do not meet your requirements, the engineering team at Fluke Process Instruments will design a custom thermal profiling solution – complete with data logger, custom thermal barriers and our Insight™ Software. These bespoke systems enable through-process temperature profiles to be obtained in processes where trailing long thermocouples are not an option. Each thermal barrier is designed in close collaboration with the end-user, providing the optimum solution for every application.

Get the temperature data you need, every time, with our range of data loggers designed to withstand the longest, most-demanding operating conditions. The Datapaq TP6 Data Logger features a 316-grade stainless-steel case, IP67 rating and robust software options that provides actionable analytics in real-time. This allows you to optimize quality by monitoring product temperature from within the furnace as well as adjust oven settings to improve performance, throughput and to satisfy any heat treating requirements.

Obtenez efficacement les données thermiques en temps réel dont vous avez besoin grâce au NOUVEAU système Datapaq Furnace Tracker. Équipé du tout nouvel enregistreur de données Datapaq® TP6 et de nouveaux boucliers thermiques développés et brevetés pour les applications les plus extrêmes.

Assurez la qualité de vos produits et l’efficacité de vos processus grâce à un système précis et aux données reproductibles capable de mesurer les températures tout au long du processus complet de traitement thermique.

Datapaq Furnace Tracker for Metals Heat Treating
This system features the Datapaq TP6 and DP5 data loggers, reflective thermal barriers, thermocouples and our intuitive Insight™ software to create a complete solution

Thermal Barriers

Our thermal barriers are ideal for your high-temperature heat treating processes and have been designed to provide maximum thermal protection – whether you’re working with vacuum and controlled atmosphere, slab reheat or solution aging applications. Selecting the right barrier is critical in improving your profiling capabilities; and if a suitable barrier isn’t available, we offer bespoke design services to create a solution that specifically fits your process.

TB45 Series of thermal barriers can operate in temperatures up to 1000°C (1832°F); meanwhile, the TB46 Series can withstand temperatures of up to 1200°C (2192°F). Both are designed for use in vacuum and carburizing applications and can operate in pressures up to 20 Bar (290 PSi).

Insight™ Software

Every Datapaq Insight™ Software product is designed to convert your raw data into meaningful information that can be acted on. All three software options provide a clear user interface, context sensitive help screens and wizards to assist novice users. The basic software is a cost-effective solution for general profile inspections while our advanced TUS software provides full temperature profiles and traceable reports for AMS2750 and CQi-9. The ability to change the language and email results directly from the software at the touch of a button enables you to share information across the plant and across the world, whether you’re on a computer or mobile device.

Transform raw data into actionable analytics with software that features a clear user interface, context sensitive help screens, and assistance options infrequent users

Datapaq Thermal Profiling Solutions

Repeatedly confirm your process and product temperatures are uniform and under control.

Whether you’re working with raw materials or finished products, measuring product and atmosphere temperatures throughout the furnace is critical in ensuring both product quality and process efficiency. Get real-time temperature data with the Datapaq Furnace Tracker System, which features a Datapaq TP6 Data Logger, durable thermal barriers and our intuitive Insight® Software. Suitable for fixed installations in plants and machines, infrared solutions integrate into your process monitoring systems seamlessly by using industry standard protocols. Every furnace tracker thermal profiling system is designed to be used repeatedly in the harshest conditions while providing accurate and in-process temperature surveys.

Datapaq Furnace Tracker for Metals Heat Treating

Datapaq DP6 Data Logger

This system features the Datapaq TP6 and DP5 data loggers, reflective thermal barriers, thermocouples and our intuitive Insight™ software to create a complete solution

Get the temperature data you need, every time, with our range of data loggers designed to withstand the longest, most-demanding operating conditions. The Datapaq TP6 Data Logger features a 316-grade stainless-steel case, IP67 rating and robust software options that provides actionable analytics in real-time. This allows you to optimize quality by monitoring product temperature from within the furnace as well as adjust oven settings to improve performance, throughput and to satisfy any heat treating requirements.

Our thermal barriers are ideal for your high-temperature heat treating processes and have been designed to provide maximum thermal protection – whether you’re working with vacuum and controlled atmosphere, slab reheat or solution aging applications. Selecting the right barrier is critical in improving your profiling capabilities; and if a suitable barrier isn’t available, we offer bespoke design services to create a solution that specifically fits your process.

Thermal Barrier

TB45 Series of thermal barriers can operate in temperatures up to 1000°C (1832°F); meanwhile, the TB46 Series can withstand temperatures of up to 1200°C (2192°F). Both are designed for use in vacuum and carburizing applications and can operate in pressures up to 20 Bar (290 PSi).
TB45 Series of thermal barriers can operate in temperatures up to 1000°C (1832°F); meanwhile, the TB46 Series can withstand temperatures of up to 1200°C (2192°F). Both are designed for use in vacuum and carburizing applications and can operate in pressures up to 20 Bar (290 PSi).

Insight™ Software

Transform raw data into actionable analytics with software that features a clear user interface, context sensitive help screens, and assistance options infrequent users
Transform raw data into actionable analytics with software that features a clear user interface, context sensitive help screens, and assistance options infrequent users

Every Datapaq Insight™ Software product is designed to convert your raw data into meaningful information that can be acted on. All three software options provide a clear user interface, context sensitive help screens and wizards to assist novice users. The basic software is a cost-effective solution for general profile inspections while our advanced TUS software provides full temperature profiles and traceable reports for AMS2750 and CQi-9. The ability to change the language and email results directly from the software at the touch of a button enables you to share information across the plant and across the world, whether you’re on a computer or mobile device.

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